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Learning Profiles Revealed

Welcome to Learning Profiles Revealed.  If your child has had a learning assessment, and you want to know and understand more about what the results suggest about your child as a learner, you've come to the right place. 

In Classroom

The Value of Learning Profiles Revealed
Helping you help your child

Do you want to know how your child learns?

Together, let's review the evaluation information to better understand the unique learning strengths and challenges of your son or daughter.  The goal will be for you to understand what the numbers mean inside the evaluation in a way that will help you know how they learn and what they need. 

A Little Bit About Me

I have 30+ years of education experience, most nobably with children with various learning differences.  Nearly 1/2 of that was spent as a school psychologist performing learning evaluations.  The second half was spent as part of an administration team at a private school excusively designed for students with learning differences. Ultimately, I simply want to help parents/guardians to understand how their child learns, so they can properly seek and advocate for the right learning supports. 

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